
This document describes the architecture of services, as well as the list of all system services and their main features.

Types of services

An application can expose four types of service:

  • A main service, which is used as the default one
  • Scoped services, which are used as interfaces for conventional tasks between applications which are not specific to the current one
  • Integration services, which are used to interact with the system in specific ways (see the complete list)
  • Driver services, which are used to interact with hardware devices through the sys::hw service.

A scope's name is made of up to 8 extended ASCII characters.

Applications exposing integration services get special recognition for the tasks associated to these services. These services are not available directly to the end applications ; they can only be used through system services.

Architecture of a service

Applications have exactly one running process per service, and each service has exactly one running instance per active user, to prevent a user to connect to the service of a user with more privileges than itself. System services, on their side, only have one global instance.

An application process can tell if it was started as a service or not by looking at its execution context.

Once a service process indicates it's ready using the READY syscall, other processes will be able to connect to this service.


A connection essentially consists of a service socket between a service and another process called its client.

When a process wants to connect to a service, it uses the CONNECT_SERVICE to send a connection request to this service.

The service process then receives the request through the SERVICE_CONN_REQUEST.

It is expected to answer under a short delay specified in the registry's system.processes.service_answer_delay key (2000 ms by default).

If the service refuses the connection, it provides its answer through the REJECT_SERVICE_CONN syscall, and the procedure stops here.

Else, it accepts it through the ACCEPT_SERVICE_CONN syscall. A new thread is then created in the service's process, and the signal returns with a code indicating if the current thread is the one that was just created.


The service and its client(s) communicate through the service socket created during the connection.

The different message formats a client can send to a service are a called the service's methods, while the different message formats the service may send to a client are called the service's notifications.

Thread types

A service process' main thread is called its dispatcher threads, while threads created using the ACCEPT_SERVICE_CONN syscall are called client threads.

Closing a connection

The service cannot terminate a connection by itself. If a client thread terminates brutally, the SERVICE_SERVER_QUITTED signal will be sent to its client.

Only clients can properly close a connection to a service, using the END_SERVICE_CONN syscall. The service socket is then immediatly closed (on both the client and the thread's side).

The service then receives the SERVICE_CLIENT_QUITTED signal.

If the client terminates brutally (before the connection was properly ended), the client thread receives the SERVICE_CLIENT_CLOSED signal.

When a client thread receives on these two signals, it is expected to end as soon as possible (though there is no time limit).

System services

System services are run by the system and get access to special system calls and signals that aren't available otherwise.

They also have a specific process identifier (PID) to identify them easily.

You can find the list of all system services in the related directory.

Third-party communication

An application can enable communication to and from other applications using a service.

For instance, let's consider two applications, A and B. If A wants to be able to be contacted by other applications (such as B), it sets up a service and subscribes to it. Then, when B sends a message to the service, it is forwarded to A through a notification by the service itself.

It can also work the other way: B subscribes to the service, and when A wants to contact B, it simply sends a message to B.

The downside of this structure is that latency is approximately doubled compared to a direct A-B communication. But as they use messages and notifications, which are based on hardware interrupts, the latency is extremely low, mainly composed of the time the kernel spends to ensure the communication between A and the service and then the service and B (or the other way around) is allowed.

Although this method works fine for small pieces of data, it isn't suited for transmitting large chunks in a performant way. For that purpose, A can share a memory segment with the service, who shares it in turn to B (with restricted permissions if required).

Note that this only applies to different applications ; processes from a same application can communicate directly through IPC.