sys::crashsave service



Get the last crash save for this application, if any. The crash saves removal can be controlled by the answer provided to the RESTORE_CRASH_SAVE notification.




  • Optional data provided in the datafield of the RESTORE_CRASH_SAVE notification (none if there is no crash save for this application)


Remove the existing crash save for this application.




  • Status (1 byte):
    • 0x00: the crash save was successfully deleted
    • 0x01: no crash save was found for this application
    • 0x02: couldn't delete the crash save as the file is currently in use



Sent to a process during crash save collection.

It is only sent to applications indicating they support crash saves in their manifest.


  • Number in seconds under which this notification must be answered (1 byte)
  • Timestamp of the last crash save for this application (1 byte)
  • 0x01 if this notification was not answered in time the last time it was sent, 0x00 otherwise (1 byte)
  • Temporary FEID to write the crash save in

Expected answer:

  • Status (1 byte):
    • 0x00 if the crash save was written succesfully
    • 0x01 if the application didn't have enough time to fully write the crash save
    • 0x02 if the application couldn't create a crash save for whatever reason
    • 0x03 if the application couuldn't create
  • Optional log message which will be written to the system's logs


Sent to a process when a crash save is to be restored.

This notification is sent only if the correct bit is set in the application's startup reason.


  • Temporary FEID to the crash save (8 bytes)
  • Timestamp when the CRASH_SAVE_COLLECTION signal that resulted in this crash save was sent (8 bytes)
  • Timestamp when this crash save was actually written to the disk (8 bytes)
  • 0x00 if this crash save is sent for the first time, 0x01 if the application was interrupted before it answered this notification the last time (e.g. application or system crash) (1 byte)
  • 0x00 if this crash save is sent for the first time or if the application itself didn't crash while trying to restore it the last time, 0x01 if the application itself crashed last time (1 byte)

Expected answer:

  • Status (1 byte):
    • 0x01: crash save was restored successfully
    • 0x02: crash save is corrupted and/or invalid
  • 0x00 if the crash save can be deleted, 0x01 if it should be kept (1 byte)